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Modern Dancing

Modern Dancing is an expressive style of dance that encourages dancers to use their emotions to fuel their individualised movements. It is a great whole-body workout that builds strength, flexibility and coordination in dancers.


Hip Hop is an edgy, fun style of dance influenced by pop culture and street dance styles. Dancers build strength and coordination, merging fitness and art as they dance to trending Hip Hop tracks in teams or individually.




HIP HOP Dancing

Tap Dancing is a fun form of dancing in which metal plates are worn on the dancer's shoes, allowing them to make musical rhythms using tapping sounds. Tap builds strength in the legs and feet in addition to increasing flexibility in the hips, knees and ankles. Cognitive abilities are also enhanced, as tap dancers develop both mental and muscle memory.



TAP Dancing

Your little ones will love exploring movement with dance, while we work on improving their balance and coordination with games, props and silly songs. They’ll learn body control, gain muscle strength and have loads of fun.


Dust off your dancing shoes or learn to dance for the first time! We offer Adult classes for Hip Hop and Tap dance in a fun and social setting. Stay fit; improve your cardiovascular health, muscle strength and posture, while meeting new people and learning an impressive new skill.


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